HK$2,080公司秘書套餐包含以下內容 HK$2,080 Company Secretary Package includes the following items:
– 出任公司秘書 Act as company secretary
– 呈報週年申報表 Filing of annual returns
– 製作會議記錄 Make meeting minutes
– 備存重要控制人登記冊 Keeping Significant Controllers Register
– 擔任重要控制人登記冊的指定代表 Acting as a designated representative on the Significant Controllers Register
– 備存股東、董事及秘書登記冊 Keep registers of shareholders, directors and secretaries
– 增加股份數目 Increase in the number of shares
– 分發股份 Distribution of shares
– 更改營業地址、註冊地址 Change of business address, registered address
– 任免董事及秘書 Appointment and dismissal of directors and secretaries
– 更改董事及秘書資料 Change of director and secretary information
– 收取商業信件及政府部門信件 Receive commercial letters and government department letters
– 通知客戶取件 Notify customer to pick up
注1: 收取文件類包裹,但不接收貨物類包裹。
Note 1: Document packages are accepted, but cargo packages are not accepted.
注2: 此服務費不含政府費用
Note 2: This service fee does not include government fees
登記註冊地址為 The registration address is:
Unit A, 16/F., Queen’s Centre, 58-64 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
註: 請填妥申請表格(Virtual Office Application Form, CDD Form),填妥後電郵至 [email protected]
Note: Please complete the application form (Virtual Office Application Form, CDD Form) and email it to [email protected]
將以下資料電郵至 Email the following information to [email protected]
- -提供董事的身分證/護照及三個月內的住址證明(拍照或掃瞄)
- -Provide director’s ID card/passport and proof of address within three months (photograph or scan)
- -提供股東的身分證/護照及三個月內的住址證明(拍照或掃瞄)
- -Provide shareholder’s ID card/passport and proof of address within three months (photograph or scan)
其他付款方式 Other payment methods:
支票支付 Cheque payment
請郵寄支票至以下地址 Please mail your cheque to the following address
Unit A, 16/F., Queen’s Centre, 58-64 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Atth: William Wong
轉帳 Transfer:
收款銀行 Beneficiary Bank : DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
銀行帳號號碼 Bank account number: 016-799374503
Swift Code: DHBKHKHH
帳戶名稱 Account name: Dragon Service Company Limited
存根收據或付款記錄上請註明客戶公司名稱、單據號碼及客戶的聯絡電話,電郵至 [email protected]
Please indicate the customer’s company name, receipt number and customer’s contact phone number on the stub receipt or payment record Email to [email protected]