HK$6,888開公司套餐 HK$6,888 package


HK$6,888開公司套餐包含以下內容 HK$6,888 package includes the following items:

包含公司註冊費用$1,720 Includes company registration fee of $1,720

包含商業登記費用$2,200 Includes business registration fee of $2,200

公司秘書服務 Company Secretarial Services

公司名稱查冊 Company name search

1份經會計師認證的公司註冊處文件副本 1 set of CR documents signed by CPA certified true copy

簽署原子印 Sign the Atomic Seal

公司圓印 Company chop

製備股東, 董事及秘書登記冊 Preparation of registers of shareholders, directors and secretaries

製備重要控制人登記冊 Preparation of Significant Controllers Register

出任指定代表 Act as designated representative

製備會議記錄 Prepare meeting minutes

登記註冊地址為 The registration address is:


Unit A, 16/F., Queen’s Centre, 58-64 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

註: 請填妥申請表格(Virtual Office Application Form, CDD Form),填妥後電郵至 [email protected]

Note: Please complete the application form (Virtual Office Application FormCDD Form) and email it to [email protected]

將以下資料電郵至 Email the following information to [email protected]

  • -提供董事的身分證/護照及三個月內的住址證明(拍照或掃瞄)
  • -Provide director’s ID card/passport and proof of address within three months (photograph or scan)
  • -提供股東的身分證/護照及三個月內的住址證明(拍照或掃瞄)
  • -Provide shareholder’s ID card/passport and proof of address within three months (photograph or scan)

其他付款方式 Other payment methods:

支票支付 Cheque payment

請郵寄支票至以下地址 Please mail your cheque to the following address


Unit A, 16/F., Queen’s Centre, 58-64 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

Atth: William Wong

轉帳 Transfer:

收款銀行 Beneficiary Bank : DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

銀行帳號號碼 Bank account number: 016-799374503

Swift Code: DHBKHKHH

帳戶名稱 Account name: Dragon Service Company Limited

存根收據或付款記錄上請註明客戶公司名稱、單據號碼及客戶的聯絡電話,電郵至 [email protected]

Please indicate the customer’s company name, receipt number and customer’s contact phone number on the stub receipt or payment record Email to [email protected]


